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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(4); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(4): 1037-1047.
Hepatoprotective Effects of GongJin-dan on Ethanol-mediated Experimental Liver Damage in Rats
Hyun Hur, Hee-jun Kim, Kyung Park, Min-a Kwak, Dae-jun Kim, Joon-seok Byun
Department of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Haany University
Correspondence  Hee-jun Kim ,Tel: 053-770-2179, Fax: 053-764-0566, Email: heejuny513@hanmail.net
  Published online: December 30, 2008.
A traditional Oriental medicine, GongJin-dan (GJD), is one of the most well-known tonic agents in Korea. Among 6 types of GJD components, antler, red ginseng, and Cornus fructus have shown antioxidant effects, while EtOH-induced tissue damage may be a consequence of oxidative stress.

Objectives & Methods :
The hepatoprotective effects of GJD were evaluated on EtOH-mediated experimental liver damaged rats at 50, 100, 250 and 500mg/kg comparing with 100mg/kg of silymarin as a reference drug in the present study. Test substances were dosed once a day for 60 days with oral administration of 20% ethanol 2.5ml/100g body weight twice a day (equivalent to 7.9g ethanol/kg/day). Each of 8 rats per group was selected using body weight at 10 days after acclimatization. Experimental animals were sacrificed after 60 days of continuous oral treatment of test substances with 20% ethanol treatment, and changes on the body weight, liver weight, and serum AST and ALT were observed.

There were dramatic decreases of body weight and increases of liver weight and serum AST and ALT. Similar inhibition effects on the EtOH-induced hepatic damages were detected between equal dosages of GJD and silymarin.

Based on these results, it is concluded that GJD showed clear hepatoprotective effects on EtOH-induced hepatic damage.
Key words: Hepatoprotective, GongJin-dan, Ethanol-mediated, Liver damage
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