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복합부위통증증후군으로 추정되는 환자에게서 한방치료로 호전된 1례 보고
정희진, 정소연, 임제민, 안수연, 황원덕
J Int Korean Med. 2013;218-224.   Published online April 30, 2013
다계통 위축증(MSA-P)로 인한 보행장애에 대한 한방 치험 1례
이지은, 임진욱, 예영철, 김영석, 조기호, 문상관, 정우상
J Int Korean Med. 2013;201-205.   Published online April 30, 2013
입원환자의 한약투여가 간기능에 미치는 영향
주정현, 박수완, 황하연, 김승모, 최홍식
J Int Korean Med. 2013;148-154.   Published online April 30, 2013
흉쇄유돌근의 근에너지기법을 적용한 교통사고로 인한
J Int Korean Med. 2013;113-122.   Published online April 30, 2013
A Study on the Affinity of Some Medicinal Herbs to Two Cytochrome P450 Subfamilies, CYP3A4 and CYP2D6
Da-young Yoo, Hong-jung Woo, Young-chul Kim
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(4):375-383.   Published online December 30, 2013
Two Cases of Cancer-induced Lymphedema Patients Treated with Oryeongsan
Ji-young Lee, Jean Chae, Yee-hong Jung, Soo-kyung Lee, Hyun-sik Jung
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(3):322-328.   Published online September 30, 2013
Safety of Korean Herbal Medicine Used with Western Medicine on Liver Function : Prospective Observational Study
Su-hyun Bae, Sang-eun Park, Chang-wan Kang, Sang-hoon Hong
J Int Korean Med. 2013;34(2):192-203.   Published online June 30, 2013
중대뇌동맥 뇌경색(Middle cerebral artery infarction) 환자의 치험 1례에 대한 관한 고찰
오재건, 최산호, 장명준, 이인영, 황진택, 정황산
J Int Korean Med. 2012;365-369.   Published online October 30, 2012
소뇌경색으로 인한 운동실조 및 현훈 대한한방 치험 1례
이지은, 서유리, 박준영, 임진욱, 진철, 김영석, 조기호, 문상관, 정우상, 박주영
J Int Korean Med. 2012;240-246.   Published online October 30, 2012
비소세포폐암 환자의 종양 관련 피로에 대한 한의학적 치험 1례
박형준, 채진, 이지영, 정현식, 이상헌, 최원철, 김경석
J Int Korean Med. 2012;227-232.   Published online October 30, 2012
투석이 필요했던 급성 신손상 환자의 치험 1례
박진규, 우홍정, 권수영, 장은경, 이장훈, 김영철
J Int Korean Med. 2012;103-109.   Published online October 30, 2012
외측연수경색(Wallenberg`s syndrome)환자의 치험 1례에 대한 고찰
이선주, 한인식, 오현석, 이득수, 이원철, 선승호
J Int Korean Med. 2012;294-301.   Published online April 30, 2012
가미팔물탕 투여 후 발생한 약인성 간손상 1례
박진규, 권수영, 장은경, 우홍정, 이장훈, 김영철
J Int Korean Med. 2012;163-168.   Published online April 30, 2012
Status of Herbal-drug-associated Adverse Drug Reactions Voluntarily Reported by EMR
Yeong-ju Kwon, Woo-keun Cho, Chang-ho Han
J Int Korean Med. 2012;33(4):485-497.   Published online December 30, 2012
Clinical Practice Guideline of Korean Medicine for Stroke : Preliminary Guideline and Recommendation
Chang-ho Han
J Int Korean Med. 2012;33(4):347-366.   Published online December 30, 2012
Overview of the Interaction between Warfarin and Korean Herbal Medicine
In Lee, Sang-moo Park, Seung-chan Park, Do-hyung Kim, Min-kyoung Cho, Chang-woo Han, Jeong-nam Kwon, Jin-woo Hong
J Int Korean Med. 2012;33(2):160-171.   Published online June 30, 2012
Helicbacter pylori의 한약 치료에 대한 연구
이승연, 박상은, 홍상훈
J Int Korean Med. 2012;33(1):39-53.   Published online March 30, 2012
와파린과 상호작용한 荊防瀉白散 투약 2례
조우근, 권영주, 양나래, 김미경, 한창호
J Int Korean Med. 2011;277-282.   Published online May 30, 2011
역류성 식도염의 변증과 처방에 관한 문헌적 고찰- 중국 논문 중심으로 -
최가영, 선승호, 김병우, 이선주, 오현석, 한인식, 고재언
J Int Korean Med. 2011;32(1):75-86.   Published online March 30, 2011
비알콜성지방간의 유병율과 병리기전에 대한 문헌적 고찰
박연화, 유사라, 손창규
J Int Korean Med. 2011;32(1):26-32.
Warfarin 복용시 人蔘이 포함된 한약처방이 PT INR에 미치는 영향 - 10 증례보고 -
권승원, 박주영, 변형식, 윤승규, 서유리, 정우상, 문상관, 조기호, 김영석
J Int Korean Med. 2010;31(3):675-687.   Published online September 30, 2010
Suggestion of Herbal Medicine-Induced Liver Injury Investigation Forms for Improving the Research Quality of Herbal Safety
Young-ju Yun, Byung-cheul Shin, Woo-jin Shin, In-soo Jang
J Int Korean Med. 2009;30(1):181-190.   Published online March 30, 2009
Korean Herbal Medicine on Liver Function : A Systematic Review in Korean Literature
Young-ju Yun, Byung-cheul Shin, Myeong-soo Lee, Sung-il Cho, Woo-jin Shin, Hi-joon Park, Hye-jung Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2009;30(1):153-172.   Published online March 30, 2009
生藥製劑로 誘發된 藥因性 肝損傷에 대한 文獻的 考察
박상무, 한덕진, 나란희, 김강산
J Int Korean Med. 2008;63-73.   Published online May 30, 2008
한방병원에 내원한 파킨슨 증후군 환자 증례군 보고
이승엽, 김미영, 김영지, 최원우, 민인규, 선종주, 홍진우, 나병조, 정우상, 문상관, 조기호, 김영석
J Int Korean Med. 2008;57-62.   Published online May 30, 2008
A Retrospective Sectional Study about the Effect of the Interaction of Herbal Medicines and Warfarin on Prothrombin Time(INR) in Stroke Patients
Sang-hun Lee, Young-seok Kim, Chul-ho Kang, Mun-gu Song, Ho-kyung Doo, Se-young Ahn, Young-min Ahn, Byung-cheol Lee
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(3):464-472.   Published online September 30, 2007
Effects of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus on Immune Cells such as Thymocytes, Splenocytes and Macrophages in Mice
Hyung-woo Kim, Gye-yeop Kim, Byung-gwan Jeon, Jeong-sik Choi, Hyun-woo Jeong, Su-in Cho
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(2):377-384.   Published online June 30, 2007
A Study on the Methodology for a Clinical Trial of an Antidepressive Korean Herb by Comparison with St. John's Wort Trials
Hee Jung, Ji-hyung Lee, Bo-hyoung Jang, Seong-gyu Ko
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(2):363-376.   Published online June 30, 2007
A Case of Regression of Advanced Gastric Cancer by Herbal Medicine – A Retrospective Case Study with 8-years Follow-up
Jeong-seok Park, Yeon-weol Lee, Jung-hyo Cho, Chang-gue Son, Chong-kwan Cho, Hwa-seung Yoo
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(1):193-198.   Published online March 30, 2007
중증급성호흡기증후군(SARS)의 한약 치료에 관련된 WHO 임상논문 보고에 대한 개관
장인수, 형례창, 한창호
J Int Korean Med. 2005;26(2):440-452.   Published online June 30, 2005
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