보익양위탕가미방으로 6개월간 저신장증 환자를 치료한 치험 2례 |
이세연1, 정정욱1, 양태규1, 구본홍2 |
1분당차한방병원 한방내과 2강남차한방병원 한방내과 |
Two Cases of Short Stature Treated with Boikyangwitang-gamibang during 6 months |
Sea-Yun Lee1, Jeong-Ook Cheong1, Tae-Kyu Yang1, Bon-Hong Koo2 |
1Department of Internal Medicine, Pundang CHA Oriental Hospital 2Department of Internal Medicine, Kangnam CHA Oriental Hospital |
Correspondence |
Sea-Yun Lee ,
Published online: November 30, 2000. |
IShort stature is two standard deviations (SD) below the mean for height (below the third percentile) in a population of children. We treated two cases below the third percentile for height with Boikyangwitang-gamibang. During treatment Case I grew 4.2 cm and became above the third percentile for height. Case II also grew 5.8 cm and became above the third percentile for height. In the results We recognized Short status was showed prominent improvement with Boikyangwitang-gamibang. |
Key words:
Short stature, Growth disorder, Boikyangwi-tang |
Key words:
저신장증, 성장장애, 보익양위탕 |