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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(3); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(3): 621-628.
기능성 소화불량증 환자의 위 미주신경 활성 및 유문부 기능에 대한 足三里 전침과 일반 체침 자극의 복합 효능
김유승, 윤상협
경희대학교 한의과대학 비계내과학교실
Combination Effects of Zusanli(ST36) Electroacupuncture and Manual Acupuncture of other Acupoints on Gastric Vagal Nerve Activity and Pyloric Valve Function in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia.
Yoo-seung Kim, Sang-hyub Yoon
3rd Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyunghee University
Correspondence  Sang-hyub Yoon ,Tel: 02-958-9142, Fax: 02-958-9136, Email: sandrock58@nate.com
  Published online: September 30, 2008.
The aim of this study was to investigate changes of gastric vagal nerve activity and pyloric valve function after execution of combination treatments of both electroacupuncture at Zusanli(ST36) and manual acupuncture at other acupoints in patient with functional dyspepsia.

Methods :
Bowel sounds of 49 patients (18 male, 31 female) were recorded and their % of bowel sound (%BS) and ratio of dominant frequency (DF) were analyzed. Postprandial %BS was used to indicate the gastric vagal activity after eating. Ratio of postprandial/fasting dominant frequency was used to present the degree of pyloric valve function. According to values of %BS and DF ratio, each patient was classified into normal or abnormal (<6 %BS, hypoactivity; <1 DF ratio, dysfunction) group. For 2 weeks, patients received a treatment consisting of both electroacupuncture stimulation at Zusanli (ST36) and acupuncture at other meridian points. Variation of parameters shifting normal to abnormal or abnormal to normal was observed, and total cure rate was calculated.

Total cure rate of %BS was 16%, and that of DF was 37%. Patients who improved to normal value from abnormal or aggravated to abnormal level showed both significant difference in both vagal nerve hypoactivity and pyloric valve dysfunction, respectively.

Analysis of bowel sound might be useful to evaluate both gastric vagal nerve activity and pyloric valve function. Combination effects of Zusanli (ST36) electroacupuncture and manual acupuncture of other acupoints showed a bidirectional effect in which their activity and function were in general improved, sometimes from aggravated to abnormal level.
Key words: Electroacupuncture, Zusanli, Bowel Sound, Vagus nerve, Pyloric valve, Functional Dyspepsia.
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