시상경색으로 유발된 주시장애 1예에 관한 임상적 고찰 |
김성진, 정종안, 정수미, 노영만, 전홍렬, 안정조, 전상윤, 김희철, 홍석 |
동신대학교 한의과대학 한방내과학교실 |
A Clinical Case Report of Gaze Palsy due to Thalamic Infarction |
Sung-Jin Kim, Jong-Ann Jeong, Soo-Mi Jeong, Young-Man Roh, Hong-Ryul Jeon, Jeong-Jo Ann, Sang-Yun Jeon, Hee-Chul Kim, Seok Hong |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University |
Received: April 15, 2006, Accepted: June 15, 2006, Published online: June 30, 2006. |
The purpose of this study is to present a case of gaze palsy due to thalamic infarction improved by acupuncture and herb medicine. Monocular gaze palsies which result from a supranuclear cerebral lesion are rare clinical manifestations. The pre-frontal cortico-oculomotor pathways travel across the thalamus and mesodienphalic junction terminating directly in oculomotor complexes. The acute disinhibition of these neurons by a posterior thalamic lesion results in a sustained but transient discharge of the medial rectus and tonic activation. Results of this study suggest a role for conservative therapy with herb medicine and acupuncture to treat gaze palsy due to thalamic infarction. Further research into oriental medical treatment for such disorders will be forthcoming. |
Key words:
gaze palsy, thalamic infarction |