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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 27(2); 2006 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2006;27(2): 533-537.
시상경색으로 유발된 주시장애 1예에 관한 임상적 고찰
김성진, 정종안, 정수미, 노영만, 전홍렬, 안정조, 전상윤, 김희철, 홍석
동신대학교 한의과대학 한방내과학교실
A Clinical Case Report of Gaze Palsy due to Thalamic Infarction
Sung-Jin Kim, Jong-Ann Jeong, Soo-Mi Jeong, Young-Man Roh, Hong-Ryul Jeon, Jeong-Jo Ann, Sang-Yun Jeon, Hee-Chul Kim, Seok Hong
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongshin University
Correspondence  Sung-Jin Kim ,Tel: 062-350-7282, Email: nuti2039@nate.com
Received: April 15, 2006,   Accepted: June 15, 2006,   Published online: June 30, 2006.
The purpose of this study is to present a case of gaze palsy due to thalamic infarction improved by acupuncture and herb medicine. Monocular gaze palsies which result from a supranuclear cerebral lesion are rare clinical manifestations. The pre-frontal cortico-oculomotor pathways travel across the thalamus and mesodienphalic junction terminating directly in oculomotor complexes. The acute disinhibition of these neurons by a posterior thalamic lesion results in a sustained but transient discharge of the medial rectus and tonic activation. Results of this study suggest a role for conservative therapy with herb medicine and acupuncture to treat gaze palsy due to thalamic infarction. Further research into oriental medical treatment for such disorders will be forthcoming.
Key words: gaze palsy, thalamic infarction
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