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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 25(3); 2004 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2004;25(3): 640-647.
산욕기에 발생한 뇌교출혈로 인한 마비성 사시환자 치험 1례
김홍준1, 김유경1, 김우성1, 강세영1, 심국진1, 윤지원1, 백동기1, 이종덕2, 원진희1, 이상관1
1원광대학교 한의과대학 내과학교실
2광주원광병원 진단방사선과
A Case Report of One Patient with Paralytic Strabismus Resulting from Pontine Hematoma During Puerperium
Hong-Joon Kim1, Yu-Kyung Kim1, Woo-Sung Kim1, Sei-Young Kang1, Kuk-Jin Sim1, Ji-Won Yoon1, Dong-Gi Baek1, Jong-Deok Lee2, Jin-Hee Won1, Sang-Kwan Lee1
1Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Wonkwang University
2Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Gwangju Wonkwang Hospital
Correspondence  Hong-Joon Kim ,Tel: 062-670-6527, Fax: 062-670-6529, Email: joungup@hanmail.net
Received: July 19, 2004,   Accepted: August 6, 2004,   Published online: September 30, 2004.
Pregnancy related stroke is significant because it has dire impact on both mother and the fetus. Pregnant or puerperal women are reported to have about 13-fold more risk of stroke compared to non-pregnant women. Pregnancy-related stroke must be differentiated from stroke in elderly patients, because it is different in pathophysiological etiologies and recurrence rates and also diagnostic and therapeutic methods may affect the fetal health status. Because the Ⅵ cranial nerve manages lateral rectus muscles, it’s palsy causes sudden onset of double vision. The eyes turn medially. In this article, one case of paralytic strabismus resulting from pontine hematoma during puerperium is reported. It was treated with herb medicine and acupuncture. Symptoms improved. This case is submitted with a brief overview of related lit.
Key words: Abducens nerve palsy, Paralytic Strabismus, Pontine hematoma, Puerperium
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