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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 23(4); 2002 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2002;23(4): 735-740.
췌장전이를 동반한 담도암 환자 1례에 대한 보고
서상훈1, 유화승1, 이용연1, 송기철1, 최병렬1, 조정효1, 이연월1, 손창규1, 조종관1, 김연진2
1대전대학교 부속 한방병원 동서암센터
2대전대학교 부속 한방병원 방사선과학교실
A case of cholangiocarcinoma patient with pancreas metastasis
Sang-Hoon Seo1, Hwa-Seung Yoo1, Yong-Yeon Lee1, Kee-Cheol Song1, Byung-Lyul Choi1, Jung-Hyo Cho1, Yeon-Weol Lee1, Chang-Gue Son1, Chong-Kwan Cho1, Yeon-Jin Kim2
1East-West Cancer Center, Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University
2Radiology, Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University
Correspondence  Sang-Hoon Seo ,Tel: 042-229-6956, 6957, Fax: 042-254-3403, Email: hani1021@hanmail.net
Received: August 13, 2002,   Accepted: October 4, 2002,   Published online: December 30, 2002.