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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 21(5); 2000 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2000;21(5): 765-771.
시상증후군(Thalamic pain Syndrome)환자의 한방 병합치료에 관한 임상적 고찰
이진헌1, 우영민2, 송경섭1
1국립의료원 한방내과
2국립의료원 침구과
Clinical Study of Combination Treatment of Oriental Medicine on Thalamic Pain Syndrome
Jin-Hun Lee1, Young-Min Woo2, Kyung-Sup Song1
1Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, National Medical Center
2Department of Acupuncture & Moxibustion, National Medical Center
Correspondence  Jin-Hun Lee ,
  Published online: December 30, 2000.
To evaluate the pain control effect of combination treatment of Oriental Medicine on patients who suffered from thalamic pain syndrome caused by thalamic stroke.

Methods :
We reviewed the medical records and brain imaging data of all patients with thalamic stroke from September 1998 to August 2000 who visited to Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, National Medical Center. We evaluated clinical features of thalamic pain syndrome, including incidence, onset interval from stroke, nature, pain distribution, and assessed the pain control effect of combination treatment by Visual Analog Scale(VAS).

64 cases were selected under the inclusion criteria, and 17 patients(26.5%) with thalamic pain syndrome were identified from 64 thalamic strokes. VAS proved combination treatment effective to control pain of thalamic pain syndrome. In 12 cases(70.5%), pain onset was within the first week poststroke. The patients with allodynia were 6(35.3%). In 12 cases(70.5%), the lesion was mainly located in the posterolateral areas of thalamus.

We conclude that combination treatment of the Oriental Medicine modalities have pain control effectiveness on thalamic pain syndrome.(t=-5.47, p=0.0001)
Key words: Oriental Medicine, thalamic pain syndrome
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