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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 21(5); 2000 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2000;21(5): 715-721.
서산 지역에서의 중풍에 대한 임상적 고찰
한성수, 이근동, 서종은
한서대학교 한방병원 내과
A Clinical Study on Stroke patients(CVA) in Seosan province
Sung-Soo Han, Geun-Dong Lee, Jong-Eun Seo
Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, Hanseo University Oriental Medical Hospital
Correspondence  Sung-Soo Han ,
  Published online: December 30, 2000.
Objective :
The purpose of this study is about stroke patients in Seosan.

The subjects of this study were 45 patients who were admitted to Hanseo University Oriental Hospital because of stroke. Each patients was diagnosed with Brain CT, sasang constitutional analysis.

1. The rates in CVA was 58% on cerebral infarction, and 42% on cerebral hemorrhage. 2. The sites of cerebral infarction were Basal ganglia, MCA, Internal External capsule, Thalamus, ect. Sites of cerebral hemorrhage were Thalamus, Basal ganglia, Cerebellum. 3. The ratio of left and right hemiplegia in cerebral infarction was 1: 1.6, and in cerebral hemorrhage it was 1: 2. 4. The most chief complaints in cerebral infarction, were hemiplegia, dysarthria, facial palsy, headache. In cerebral hemorrhage, their were hemiplegia, dysarthria, headache, dizziness, and facial palsy. 5. Classification of human corporal constitution in cerebral hemorrhage, the most was Taeumin, Soyangin, Soeumin. And in cerebral infarction, the most was Soyangin, Taeumin, Soyumin. 6. The ratio between male and female was 1.25:2 in cerebral hemorrhage, 2.5:5 in cerebral infarction. 7. The most prevalent age groups in cerebral hemorrhage was fifties to sixties, and in cerebral infarction was fifties to sixties. 8. The most common preceding disease in cerebral hemorrhage was HTN, DM. 9. The recurrence rate of cerebral hemorrhage was 16%, and cerebral infarction was 8%. 10.The ratio of recovery in cerebral hemorrhage was 84%, in cerebral infarction 58%.

From this study, in cerebral hemorrhage most patients were Taeumin, in their fifties to sixties. And in cerebral infarction most patients were Soyangin, in their sixties to eighties. In both stroke patients, there were more female than male patients.
Key words: stroke, rate, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction
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