The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2002;23(2): 165-173. |
각종 암환자 69례에 대한 항전이 및 재발억제 효과 |
유화승, 이용연, 송기철, 최병렬, 서상훈, 조정효, 이연월, 손창규, 조종관 |
대전대학교 부속 한방병원 동서암센터 |
The Effects of HangAmDan(HAD) on Anti-Metastasis and Preventing Relapses, Administered to 69 Cancer Patients |
Hwa-Seung Yoo, Yong-Yeon Lee, Kee-Cheol Song, Byung-Lyul Choi, Sang-Hoon Seo, Jung-Hyo Cho, Yeon-Weol Lee, Chang-Gue Son, Chong-Kwan Cho |
East-West Cancer Center, Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University |
Correspondence |
Hwa-Seung Yoo ,Tel: 042-229-6956, 6957, Fax: 042-254-3403, Email: altyhs@hanmail.net
Received: June 24, 2002, Accepted: July 31, 2002, Published online: June 30, 2002. |
Purpose: Among numerous biological symptoms of cancer, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are essential for tumor invasion and metastasis. HAD is used as an inhibitor of MMP gene. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of HAD on anti metastasis and preventing recurrence in cancer patients.
Materials and Methods : We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of 69 cancer patients who had been administered with HAD for over 12 months continuously in East-West Cancer Center of Oriental Hospital of Daejeon University, from January 1993 to May 2002.
Results: We analyzed gender, portion, stage and anti-metastasis & recurrence rates of cancer patients. Analysis of sex cases showed that the percentage of male is 62.3%, female is 37.7%. Analysis of cancer portion showed that the percentage of stomach is 31.9%, colorectum is 26.1%, lung is 21.7%, liver is 8.7%, breast is 8.7% . Analysis of stage showed that the rate of III is 78.3%, IV is 13.0% and II is 8.7%. Analysis of anti-metastasis and recurrence rates showed that colorectal cancer is 77.8%, stomach cancer is 63.6%, lung cancer is 33.4% and breast cancer is 33.3% (mean : 53.6%).
Conclusions: HAD has significant effects on anti-metastasis and preventing recurrence of tumor on cancer patients. So it helps to prolong the survival rates of cancer patients. |
Key words:
recurrence, survival, metastasis, matrix metalloproteinases, angiogenesis |