The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2001;22(1): 1-4. |
계절과 연령은 중풍환자의 證候에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가? |
노진환, 이경진, 정은정, 문상관, 고창남, 조기호, 김영석, 배형섭, 이경섭 |
경희의료원 한방병원 심계내과 |
Do the Symptoms of Stroke Vary by Seasons and Age-groups? |
Jin-Hwan Roh, Kyung-Jin Lee, Eun-Jeong Jeong, Sang-Kwan Moon, Chang-Nam Ko, Ki-Ho Joh, Young-Suk Kim, Hyung-Sup Bae, Kyung-Sup Lee |
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine Kyunghee University |
Received: March 10, 2001, Accepted: June 10, 2001, Published online: March 30, 2001. |
Objective : We wanted to examine the differences of symptoms of stroke by seasons and age groups.
Methods : We recorded the symptoms of 254 stroke patients for 1 year and statistically analyzed the results. The Chi-Square test was used for the analysis.(p<0.05).
Results: There was no difference of symptoms by age, but the symptoms were different by seasons. In spring and autumn, there was a large amount of Hwa. In summer, there was a large amount of Kihuh, and in winter, there was a large amount of Hwa and Dahm.
Conclusions: We have concluded that these differences should be considered in the management and the prevention of stroke. |
Key words:
Symptoms of Stroke, Oriental medicine, Season, Age |