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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 37(2); 2016 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2016;37(2): 298-304.
뇌교경색 이후 발생한 편마비, 현훈 및 딸꾹질 치험 1례
신지혜1, 남해인1, 조윤영1, 선승호1, 백태현1, 김선혁2
1상지대학교 부속한방병원 한방내과
2상지대학교 부속한방병원 사상체질과
Clinical Study of Hemiplegia, Dizziness, and Hiccupping Caused by Pontine Infarction
Ji-hye Shin1, Hae-in Nam1, Yoon-young Cho1, Seung-ho Sun1, Tae-hyun Baek1, Seon-hyeok Kim2
1Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Oriental Medicine Hospital of Sang-Ji University
2Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, Oriental Medicine Hospital of Sang-Ji University
Correspondence  Seung-ho Sun ,Tel: 033-732-9383, Fax: 033-732-2124, Email: sunguy2001@hanmail.net
Received: March 30, 2016,   Accepted: May 25, 2016,   Published online: May 30, 2016.

This clinical study reports on the effect of Sunghyangjungki-san-gami and Banhabaeckchulchunma-tang-gami on hemiplegia, dizziness, and hiccupping caused by pontine infarction.

This study was performed on one patient with hemiplegia, dizziness, and hiccupping caused by pontine infarction. The patient was treated by Sunghyangjungki-san-gami and Banhabaeckchulchunma-tang-gami from 6 January to 2 March 2015. The National Institutes of Health stroke scale (NIHSS), motor grade, and numerical rating scale (NRS) were used to assess the effectiveness of this treatment.

After treatment, the patient’s discomfort decreased significantly, and NIHSS, motor grade, and NRS scores were all improved.

This clinical study suggests that traditional Korean medicine may be effective in treating hemiplegia, dizziness, and hiccupping caused by pontine infarction.
Key words: pontine infarction, hiccup, dizziness, Sunghyangjungki-san (星香正氣散), Banhabaeckchulchunma-tang (半夏白 朮天麻湯)
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