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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 37(2); 2016 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2016;37(2): 283-292.
리셀테라피를 이용한 위축성 여드름 흉터 치료 11례
오 철1, 허금정1, 이원행1, 양진아1, 김기태2
2세명대학교 제천한방병원 한방내과
Case Study of Atrophic Acne Scar Treatment with Re-cell Therapy
Chul Oh1, Geum-jung Huh1, Won-haeng Lee1, Jin-ah Yang1, Ki-tae Kim2
1Hwajubmong Oriental Medicine Clinic
2Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Se-Myung University Je-cheon Oriental Medicine Hospital
Correspondence  Ki-tae Kim ,Tel: 043-649-1815 , Email: onehorn@hanmail.net
Received: March 29, 2016,   Accepted: June 3, 2016,   Published online: May 30, 2016.

Acne scarring is the most common sequela after dermal inflammation caused by acne. Many methods are currently used to treat acne scarring; doctors using traditional Korean medicine have also attempted to treat acne scarring in a new way that was developed from traditional methods. This study examines the effectiveness of re-cell therapy.


Eleven patients with various types of acne scars were treated by re-cell therapy. We used the global acne scarring classification (GASC) and ECCA (from the French “echelle d’evaluation clinique des cicatrices d’acne”), both of which are generally used to measure and grade the degree of acne scarring.

As a result of the treatment, the conditions of all patients were conspicuously improved in both scales. The GASC scores of the patients changed from grade 19.6±10.4 to grade 4.9±3.3 (p=0.001), and the ECCA scores changed from grade 120.9±28.7 to grade 41.8±18.3.

Re-cell therapy showed effectiveness in treating acne scarring and could be applied in clinical cases.
Key words: atrophic acne scar, GASC, ECCA, Hwanglyeonhaedok-tang
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