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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 37(2); 2016 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2016;37(2): 202-211.
Dasatinib 제제 복용 중이던 chronic myeloid leukemia 환자의 hypoalbuminemia를 동반한 전신부종 및 흉막삼출에 대한 한⋅양방 병행치료 1례 보고
강미정, 이동근, 손아현, 신현수
동서한방병원 한방내과
Case Report of Generalized Edema with Hypoalbuminemia and Pleural Effusion Improved by Combined Traditional Korean and Western Medical Treatments in a Patient with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Medicated with Dasatinib
Mi-jung Kang, Dong-keun Lee, Ah-hyun Son, Hyeon-su Shin
Dept. of Oriental Internal Medicine, Dong-Seo Oriental Medicine Hospital
Correspondence  Hyeon-su Shin ,Tel: 02-320-7815 , Fax: 02-320-7917, Email: arhat775@hanmail.net
Received: March 14, 2016,   Accepted: May 23, 2016,   Published online: May 30, 2016.

This clinical study reports on a case of generalized edema with hypoalbuminemia and pleural effusion improved by combined traditional Korean and Western medical treatments in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia medicated with dasatinib.


Combined traditional Korean and Western medical treatment was carried out, including herbal medicine, acupuncture, moxibustion, and albumin injection. We examined the serum albumin, measured the circumference of both thighs and ankles to estimate the volume of the edema, and evaluated the pleural effusion symptoms.

The serum albumin increased, and generalized edema and pleural effusion improved significantly after the administration of Bojungchiseub-tang-gami.

These results showed that complications of generalized edema and pleural effusion associated with dasatinib medication have the potential to be improved via combined traditional Korean and Western medical treatments.
Key words: generalized edema, hypoalbuminemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, dasatinib, Bojungchiseub-tang-gami
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