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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 35(4); 2014 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2014;35(4): 399-406.
COPD와 양도락의 진단적 관련성에 대한 연구
장석현1, 김상진1, 정희재2, 정승기2, 이범준1,2
1강남경희한방병원 한방내과
2경희대학교 한의과대학 폐계내과학교실
A Study on the Diagnostic Relevance between COPD and Ryodoraku
Seok-hyun Jang1, Sang-jin Kim1, Hee-jae Jung2, Sung-ki Jung2, Beom-joon Lee1,2
1Dept. of Internal Medicine, Gangnam Kyung-Hee Oriental Medical Hospital
2Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
Correspondence  Beom-joon Lee ,Tel: 02-3457-9006, Fax: 02-3457-9069, Email: franchisjun@naver.com
  Published online: December 30, 2014.
Ryodoraku is a physiological function test using electric current. Since it can evaluate the patient's overall condition as well as a function of individual organs, Ryodoraku can be assumed as an effective way to diagnose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the values of Ryodoraku for diagnosing COPD.

We designated a COPD group, who were over 40 and satisfying COPD criteria, FEV1/FVC<0.7. The Control group also consisted of members over 40 years old but without COPD and any other lung disease. We conducted a comparative study by checking the Ryodoraku score (RS), the average of Rt.&Lt. H1 (mean H1), the mean difference value between both H1s (|H1R-H1L|) and the ratio of patients whose RS was under 40. Then we investigated the correlation between the mean H1 and the results of pulmonary function test (PFT).

Results & Conclusions:
In the COPD group, RS, mean H1 and |H1R-H1L| were significantly lower and the ratio of ‘RS<40' patients was meaningfully higher than in the Control group. On the other hand, PFT seems not to be replaced by Ryodoraku since there was no correlation between mean H1 and the results of PFT. Though more experiments and researches are needed to be further confirmed, Ryodoraku is expected to be an adequate way for prediagnosing and following up the COPD patients.
Key words: Ryodoraku, COPD, PFT, traditional oriental medicine
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