The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2014;35(3): 366-372. |
비소세포성 폐암 4기 환자의 악성흉수로 인한 증상이 이음전가미방으로 호전된 1례 |
박소정, 강휘중, 이연월, 조종관, 유화승 |
대전대학교 둔산한방병원 동서암센터 |
A Case Report of a Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patient Treated
with Modified Yieum-jeon Showing Improvement in Malignant Pleural Effusion and
other Respiratory Symptoms |
So-jung Park, Hwi-joong Kang, Yeon-weol Lee, Chong-kwan Cho, Hwa-seung Yoo |
East West Cancer Center, Dunsan Korean Medicine Hospital of Dae-Jeon University |
Correspondence |
Hwa-seung Yoo ,Tel: 042-470-9132, Fax: 042-470-9006, Email: altyhs@dju.kr
Published online: September 30, 2014. |
Objectives: This is a report of a case of a stage IV non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patient whose malignant pleural effusion & respiratory symptoms have been relieved with Korean medicinal prescription, modified Yieum-jeon.
Methods: A 56-year-old male diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC suffering malignant pleural effusion with complaints of cough, sputum, bilateral leg edema, dysphagia, post neck and left scapular pain was treated with modified Yieum-jeon and acupuncture during 16days. After treatment, blood lab and chest X-ray were used to follow the condition of malignant pleural effusion & pulmonary symptoms.
Results: Malignant pleural effusion and pulmonary symptoms were improved with modified Yieum-jeon intake without any related adverse side effects.
Conclusions: This study suggests Yieum-jeon may play a positive role in improving the malignant pleural effusion symptoms in advanced lung cancer cases. |
Key words:
Malignant pleural effusion, Korean medicine, NSCLC. Palliative care |