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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 35(3); 2014 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2014;35(3): 354-365.
한의학 관련 이미지 연구
김재익1, 명예슬1, 안수연1, 이영지1, 조충식2
1대전대학교 한의학과
2대전대학교 부속한방병원 신계내과학교실
The Research about Image on Korean Medicine
Jae-ik Kim1, Ye-seul Myeong1, Soo-yeon Ahn1, Yeong-ji Lee1, Chung-sik Cho2
1Dept. of Korean Medicine, Dae-Jeon University
2Dept. of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Dae-Jeon University
Correspondence  Chung-sik Cho ,Tel: +82-41-521-7531, Fax: +82-41-521-7070, Email: choolo2@dju.kr
  Published online: September 30, 2014.
Recently, the utility rate of Korean-Medical service has been a 6 percent of the domestic market share in medical service, so there is a lot of effort to increase utility rate of Korean medical service. However, in spite of the importance of image to promotion, there are still few studies about image of Korean medicine. Thus, the purpose of this study was to suggest ways to increase utility rate of Korean medical service by surveying and analysing recognition of image of Korean Medicine.

People aged between 20s and 40s were targets of investigation. We divided respondents into three groups depending on relation approximation with Korean medicine (weak-related group, normal-related group, strong-related group). The questionnaire consisted of questions about images of Korean medicine, conducted through online and personal interviews.

In total, 282 members responded to the survey and the results of the analysis were as follows. The more a person was related to Korean medicine, the greater the tendency to experience Korean medical service. The most associated taste about Korean medical institutions was Bitterness, smell was smell of Korean medicine, color was yellow, feeling was warm, sound (instrument) was drum, and treatment pattern was Acupuncture, respectively. The most associated image of acupuncture was painful, and the most associated age of Korean medical doctors was 40s. The most associated general term of Korean medicine was physical constitution, and most associated pathological term was extravasated blood.

This study can be very useful for future image marketing of Korean medicine because there have been no other studies about image on Korean medicine before now. But this study has also some limits like area, respondent selection, etc., so a more detailed and comprehensive survey is needed.
Key words: Image, Korean Medicine, Korean Medical Institutions, Korean Medical Treatment, Korean Medical Doctor
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