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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(3); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(3): 657-665.
足三里 자침이 고혈압환자의 혈압과 내피세포 의존성 혈관확장반응에 미치는 영향
배형섭1, 신애숙1, 박성욱1, 손일석2, 정우상1, 문상관1, 박정미1, 고창남1, 조기호1, 김영석1
1경희대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실
2경희대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
Effects of Acupuncture at ST36 on Blood Pressure and Endothelial Dependent Vasodilation in Hypertensive Patients
Hyung-sup Bae1, Ae-sook Shin1, Seong-uk Park1, Il-suk Sohn2, Woo-sang Jung1, Sang-kwan Moon1, Jung-mi Park1, Chang-nam Ko1, Ki-ho Cho1, Young-suk Kim1
1Department of Cardiovascular & Neurologic Diseases (Stroke Center), College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
2Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyung-Hee University
Correspondence  Seong-uk Park ,Tel: 02-440-6217, Fax: 02-440-6296, Email: happyomd@khu.ac.kr
  Published online: September 30, 2008.
The objective of this study was to assess the effect of acupuncture applied at the ST36 point on blood pressure and endothelial dependent vasodilation in hypertensive patients.

Methods :
24 hypertensive patients were recruited and randomized to a study group (12 subjects) or a control group (12 subjects). Both groups took FMD (endothelial-dependant, flow-mediated dilation) measurement and then acupuncture needles were inserted at ST36 for the study group. In the control group, they took sham acupuncture as a control. FMD was rechecked after 10-min acupuncture treatment. Blood pressure was measured before and after acupuncture treatment.

FMD increased significantly in the study group after acupuncture (9.5±2.0% to 11.1±2.2%), but not in the control group. In both groups, there were no changes in blood pressure and heart rate.

Acupuncture on ST36 appears to improve endothelial dysfunction of hypertensive patients and this might result from inducing activation of endothelium-derived nitric oxide.
Key words: Flow-mediated dilation (FMD), Endothelial dysfunction, Acupuncture, ST36, Hypertension
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