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The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine > Volume 29(1); 2008 > Article
The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine 2008;29(1): 219-230.
피로를 주소로 내원한 환자의 생활섭생, 허손 및 피로의 상관성에 대한 고찰
김세훈, 이장훈, 이승보, 최미영, 김영철, 우홍정
경희대학교 한의과대학 간계내과학교실
Speculation of the Correlationship between Public Health Practice, Consumption and Fatigue in Patients who Complain Fatigue.
Se-hoon Kim, Jang-hoon Lee, Seung-bo Lee, Mi-young Choi, Young-chul Kim, Hong-jung Woo
Department of Internal Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University
Correspondence  Jang-hoon Lee ,Tel: 02-958-9118, Fax: 02-958-9120, Email: komclive@khmc.or.kr
  Published online: March 30, 2008.
Consumption is a chronic wasting disease, in oriental medicine concept. Fatigue is a common symptom experienced by many people who have consumption. However, there has been little study about the relationship between consumption and fatigue in the Oriental medicine. For this reason, we attempted to investigate the present status of fatigue of outpatients, and its relation with consumption index, public health practice index, Chalder fatigue scale and Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test.

Methods :
The subjects were 149 outpatients who complain fatigue between Nov. 1, 2006 and Oct. 31, 2007. We measured degree of consumption by consumption index. We measured degree of fatigue by Chalder fatigue scale and Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test. Public health practice were investigated by "Breslow's 7 health practice".

Studies have shown that a group who disregard public health practices have higher numerical value, in part of qì-xū, xuè-xū, and Physical symptoms than a group more concerned with public health practice. A group who has fatigue for a period over 6 months are more likely to be qì-xū, yīn-xū, Chalder fatigue scale, neuro-sensory symptoms than a group fatigued for less than 6 months. Among the subjects, 81 (55.5%) were considered as 'fatigue patients' by the Chalder scale. Chalder fatigue scale, according to the Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test, consumption also, The more increase of Subjective symptoms of fatigue test, the more of consumption scale.

This study has shown that there is a link between consumption and fatigue. Moreover, oriental medicine's consumption is more concrete than fatigue scale, so consumption index will have wide application to the study of fatigue.
Key words: public health practice, consumption, fatigue.
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