만성 췌장염 환자 치험 1례 |
송창훈1, 이슬희1, 오성원1, 정종진1, 김수연1, 이상민1, 조성언1, 선승호1, 황진우2, 백태현1 |
1상지대학교 부속한방병원 내과학교실 2우신향 한방병원 |
A Case Report of Chronic Pancreatitis |
Chang-hoon Song1, Seul-hee Lee1, Sung-won Oh1, Jong-jin Jeong1, Soo-yeon Kim1, Sang-min Lee1, Sung-eun Cho1, Seung-ho Sun1, Jin-woo Hwang2, Tae-hyun Baek1 |
1Department of Internal Medicine, Oriental Hospital of Sangji University, Wonju, Korea 2 |
Published online: June 30, 2007. |
Objectives and Methods : Chronic pancreatitis is an inflammative disease characterized by both persistent and irreversible progression of pancreatic lesions that accompanies complications and pain which hinders everyday life activities. As the alcohol consuming population increases, chronic pancreatitis is increasing consequently. We retrospectively analyzed the medical record of a chronic pancreatitis patient who had been treated with oriental herbal medicine, acupuncture and moxibustion for 40 days. He complained of anorexia, fatigue, indigestion, weight loss, constipation, abdominal discomfort and pain. We prescribed him Daekumeumja, Bojungikgi-tang and other oriental herbal medicines in order to cure these symptoms.
Results and Conclusion : For 40 days he was treated with oriental medicine and the symptoms mostly disappeared. When it comes to the therapeutic effects, it could be suggested that oriental medicine has significant effects on improving symptoms and qualities of lives. |
Key words:
Chronic pancreatitis, Daekumeumja, Bojungikgi-tang. Alcohol. |