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Effects of Acanthopanax sessiliflorus on Immune Cells such as Thymocytes, Splenocytes and Macrophages in Mice
Hyung-woo Kim, Gye-yeop Kim, Byung-gwan Jeon, Jeong-sik Choi, Hyun-woo Jeong, Su-in Cho
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(2):377-384.   Published online June 30, 2007
A Study on the Methodology for a Clinical Trial of an Antidepressive Korean Herb by Comparison with St. John's Wort Trials
Hee Jung, Ji-hyung Lee, Bo-hyoung Jang, Seong-gyu Ko
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(2):363-376.   Published online June 30, 2007
A Case of Regression of Advanced Gastric Cancer by Herbal Medicine – A Retrospective Case Study with 8-years Follow-up
Jeong-seok Park, Yeon-weol Lee, Jung-hyo Cho, Chang-gue Son, Chong-kwan Cho, Hwa-seung Yoo
J Int Korean Med. 2007;28(1):193-198.   Published online March 30, 2007
중증급성호흡기증후군(SARS)의 한약 치료에 관련된 WHO 임상논문 보고에 대한 개관
장인수, 형례창, 한창호
J Int Korean Med. 2005;26(2):440-452.   Published online June 30, 2005
단일 한약 복합 처방의 장기간 연용 투여가 신기능에 미치는 여향에 대한 전향적 연구
장혜진, 윤여광, 손덕칭, 송우섭, 권수경
J Int Korean Med. 2004;25(4):300-305.   Published online December 30, 2004
A Clinical Case of Liver Injury Induced by Chungsim Yeonja-tang
Yeo-Kwang Yoon, Teh-Cheng Sun, Hae-Jin Jang, Woo-Sup Song
J Int Korean Med. 2004;25(3):539-544.   Published online September 30, 2004
One Case of Drug Induced Hepatitis Caused by Dyctamnus dasycarpus
Chang-woo Han, Han Seung, Kwang-Yul Rhew, Young-Chul Kim, Jang-Hoon Lee, Hong-Jung Woo
J Int Korean Med. 2003;24(2):374-379.   Published online June 30, 2003
The effects of Constant Use of Herbal Medicine with Western Medicine On Liver and Kidney Functions
Sang-Wook Lee, Sung-Wook Park, Hyung-Chul Lee, Chang-Nam Ko, Sung-Woo Yun, Ji-Young Han
J Int Korean Med. 2003;24(1):68-74.   Published online March 30, 2002
A Study on The Side Effects and Toxicity of Herbal Medicine
Eun Lee, Byung Wook Park, Gum-Jeong Hea, Heung Ko
J Int Korean Med. 2002;23(2):222-227.   Published online June 30, 2002
One Case Report of Acute Cholestatic-Hepatitis(Drug Induced Hepatitis) After Taking Herbal-Medicine
Jae-Hoon Yang, Ji-Youn Lee, Kwan-Sik Kim, Yong-Jun Jeong, Hyung-Kuen Kim, Eon-Jeong Lee, Woo-Jung Choi, Sang-Chil Han, Moung-Jin O, Ro-Sa O
J Int Korean Med. 2001;22(2):251-256.   Published online June 30, 2001
One Case of The Hepatic Injury Suggested Toxic Hepatitis(Drug Induced Hepatatis) in the Treatment of Oriental Medicine for Cerebral Infarction
Seung-Hi Lee, Min-Su Lee, Mi-Deok Song
J Int Korean Med. 2000;21(5):869-872.   Published online December 30, 2000
A Case of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Sang-Hoon Hong
J Int Korean Med. 2000;21(4):677-682.   Published online November 30, 2000
A Alcoholic Liver Disease Patient Case with Diabetes Mellitus
Eun-Kyoung Yeo, Dong-Woo Kim, Chan-Yong Jun, Yang-Hee Han, Jong-Hyeong Park
J Int Korean Med. 2000;21(4):649-653.   Published online November 30, 2000
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